by E-vet Software



evetproıvetevetproıvet is a mobile application that allows mobile application IOS and Android operating system phones veterinarian clinic or reach outside the data in an easy way. evetproıvet application owned by E-vet veterinarian Pro Gold software program is running simultaneously.E-vet Pro Gold software from anywhere you want on your schedule and record, and you can always reach. Thus, your information is always with you. Also evetproıvet application will save you used your personal computer.evetproıvet Ideas on What Can Be DoneAll our mobile app you can review your records, you can convert a clinical management becomes easy.Patient Owner InformationYou can find all the details about your customers. Address, phone number, balance of payments and so on. We offer the opportunity to access information in an easy manner until all the details.Owner Profile -Sick (Address, Tel, Balance, e-mail, Description etc.).Patient Information Owner -SickIt belongs to the owner of the sick Event InformationLaboratory Aide to the owner of the sick History-Sales History Information-Payment History InformationOwner Statement -SickAnimal InformationPatient information on your vaccination appointment, past treatments and offer the opportunity to access information in an easy manner with evetproıvet applications to all laboratory data.The hospitals Profile (Name, Protocol No, Chip number, race, gender, age, food type, etc.)._ Patient Appointments-Visiting Background Information-Mua until Background Information-Laboratory History-Hospitalizasyos History-Payment HistoryOwn my patient Extreme InformationCurrent Status of Clinical Informationthe financial condition of your clinic, availability, customer and vendor balances status, is under your control application rates of vaccination appointment?Youre probably sure to check your account monthly or daily notes in line with what you get somewhere. Beyond these developing your business plan, what do you do to determine financial strategies? How do you use and how much time do you spend your financial reports to prepare these reports?All of them can observe every moment out evetproıvet app on your phone.Multi-Views With Customers-1 years to come by visiting the Customer ListMulti-Client Appointment With 30Multi-Products Sold 30-Minimum Stock Falling Gold Products-Last Expiration Date Past Products-Last Expiration Date Upcoming ProductsWorks will -made (Payments, vaccines etc.).-storage Availability-Let go of the List-Daily Box-Customer Statement-out MovementsSnapshot your -All Box-Company Movements-Company Balance Information-Bakiye With CustomersYes Power Software Always on your side. Were Here to Serve You Better Quality